朱宁教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授,副院长。朱宁教授是全球知名的中国经济金融专家, 并同时担任耶鲁大学国际金融中心教授研究员,国际金融论坛联席秘书长。
朱宁教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授,副院长。朱宁教授是全球知名的中国经济金融专家, 并同时担任耶鲁大学国际金融中心教授研究员,国际金融论坛联席秘书长。他曾任清华大学讲席教授和美国加州大学终身金融教授。朱宁教授以其专业知识为全球国际组织、政府与监管机构、各大企业进行广泛的咨询,并频繁接受国内外多家电视媒体的采访。他曾多次受邀参加达沃斯世界经济论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛等活动担任发言嘉宾。朱宁教授 在2008-2010年度担任雷曼兄弟和野村证券高管,他所带领的团队在多项机构投资者评选中名列前茅。他著有的畅销书《刚性泡沫》、《投资者的敌人》和《投资者的朋友》,著书被翻译成多种语言在全球发售。
- Fang, Cathy, and Ning Zhu, 2019, Name complexity, cognitive fluency, and asset prices, Review of Financial Economics.
- Hu, Conghui, Yu-Jane Liu, and Ning Zhu, 2019, De-Leverage and Illiquidity Contagion, Journal of Banking & Finance.
- Chang, Matthew C., Chih‐Ling Tsai, Rebecca Chung‐Fern Wu, and Ning Zhu, 2018, Market Uncertainty and Market Orders in Futures Markets, The Journal of Futures Markets.
- Seasholes, Mark S. and Ning Zhu, 2013, Investing in What you Know: The Case of Individual Investors and Local Stocks, Journal of Investment Management.
- Liao, Li, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2013, Exercise to Lose Money? Irrational Exercise Behavior from the Chinese Warrants Market, .
- Fan, Joseph P.H., Jun Huang, and Ning Zhu, 2013, Institutions, ownership structures, and distress resolution in China, Journal of Corporate Finance.
- Liao, Li, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2012, Does the Location of a Stock Exchange Matter? A Within-Country Analysis, Pacific- Basin Finance Journal.
- Zhu, Ning, 2011, Household Consumption and Personal Bankruptcy, Journal of Legal Studies.
- Luo, Wei, Yi Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2011, Bank ownership and executive perquisites: New evidence from an emerging market, Journal of Corporate Finance.
- Li, Wenli, Michelle J. White, and Ning Zhu, 2011, Did Bankruptcy Reform Contribute to the Mortgage Defaults to Rise?, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
- White, Michelle J., and Ning Zhu, 2010, Saving your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Journal of Legal Studies.
- Liu, Yu-Jane, Chih-Ling Tsai, Ming-Chun Wang, and Ning Zhu, 2010, Prior Consequences and Subsequent Risk Taking: New Field Evidence from the Taiwan Futures Exchange, Management Science.
- Seasholes, Mark S., and Ning Zhu, 2010, Individual Investors and Local Bias, The Journal of Finance.
- Griffin, Paul A. and Ning Zhu, 2010, Accounting Rules? Stock Buybacks and Stock Options: Additional Evidence, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics.
- Nicolodi, Gina, Liang Peng, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Do Individual Investors Learn from their Trading Experience?, Journal of Financial Markets.
- Lin, Xiaochi, Yi Zhang, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Does Bank Ownership Increase Firm Value? Evidence from China, Journal of International Money and Finance.
- Barber Brad, Terrance Odean, and Ning Zhu, 2009, Systematic Noise, Journal of Financial Markets.
- Zhu, Ning, and Mark Seasholes, 2010, The Local Bias of Individual Investors.
- Zhu, Ning, Ravi Dhar, and Dan Ariely, Why Individuals Favor Split Stocks.
- Zhu, Ning, Ravi Dhar, William Goetzmann, and Shane Shepherd, The Impact of Clientele Change: Evidence from Stock Splits.
- Zhu, Ning, Search Costs and Individual Choice between Direct and Delegated Portfolio Management.
- Zhu, Ning, Mao-Wei Hung, Yu-Jane Liu, and Chia-Fen Tsai, Portfolio Choice and Background Risk: New Evidence from Taiwan.
- Zhu, Ning, Li Liao, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Security Supply and Bubble: a Natural Experiment from the Chinese Warrants Market.
- Zhu, Ning, Yu-Jane Liu, and Yi-Tsung Lee, Is There Information in Insider Trading? New Evidence from Taiwan.
- Zhu, Ning, and Arturo Bris, Momentum Profit, Contrarian Profit, and Short Sales around the World.
- Zhu, Ning, Arturo Bris, and Douglas Baird, The Dynamics of Large and Small Chapter 11 Cases: An Empirical Study.
- Zhu, Ning, and Christopher Malloy, Mutual Fund Choices and Investor Demographics.
- Zhu, Ning, and Steven Strauss, Buy-Side Analysts, Sell-Side Analysts, and Equity Trading Businesses.