李峰教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院会计学教授、中国金融研究院副院长及上海高金金融研究院联席院长。李峰教授于2015年全职回国, 2016年至2018年担任上海高级金融学院学位项目副院长。
博士学位:芝加哥大学工商管理学 (会计和金融经济领域),2005
李峰教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院会计学教授、中国金融研究院副院长及上海高金金融研究院联席院长。李峰教授于2015年全职回国, 2016年至2018年担任上海高级金融学院学位项目副院长。加盟SAIF之前,李峰教授曾任职于密歇根大学罗斯商学院, 2004年至2011年担任安永讲席会计学助理教授,2011年成为Harry Jones讲席会计学副教授(终身教职)。
李峰教授的研究领域包括财务报表分析、大数据文本挖掘、资产定价与风险管理,其论文发表在Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, 以及 Journal of Financial Economics 等国际著名学术期刊。由于在科研和学术上的卓越贡献,2018年美国会计学会授予李峰教授“会计文献杰出研究贡献”奖,表彰其过去15年内对会计学教育、实践或未来会计学研究做出独特重大的贡献。李峰教授于2020年获得上海交通大学“教书育人”奖。
- Chen, Huafeng (Jason), Shaojun (Jenny) Chen, Zhuo Chen, and Feng Li, 2019, Empirical Investigation of an Equity Pairs Trading Strategy, Management Science.
- Chen, Jason V., and Feng Li, 2015, Discussion of“Textual Analysis and International Financial Reporting: Large Sample Evidence”, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
- Li, Feng, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar, and Madhav Rajan, 2014, Knowledge, Compensation, and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Communication, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
- Li, Feng, Russell Lundholm, and Michaael Minnis, 2013, A measure of competition based on 10-K filings, Journal of Accounting Research.
- Dichev, Ilia D., and Feng Li, 2013, Growth and Accounting Choice, Australian Journal of Management.
- Li, Feng, and Venky Nagar, 2013, Diversity and Performance, Management Science.
- Li, Feng, 2012, Discussion of Analyzing Speech to Detect Financial Misreporting, Journal of Accounting Research.
- Lehavy, Reuven, Feng Li, and Kenneth Merkley, 2011, The Effect of Annual Report Readability on Analyst Following and the Properties of Their Earnings Forecasts, The Accounting Review.
- Li, Feng, 2011, Earnings Quality Based on Corporate Investment Decisions, Journal of Accounting Research.
- Li, Feng, and Suraj Srinivasan, 2011, Corporate Governance when Founders are Directors, Journal of Financial Economics.
- Li, Feng, 2010, Textual Analysis of Corporate Disclosures: A Survey of the Literature, Journal of Accounting Literature.
- Li, Feng, 2010, The Information Content of Forward-looking Statements in Corporate Filings-A Naive Bayesian Machine Learning Approach, Journal of Accounting Research.
- Li, Feng, 2008, Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, and Earnings Persistence, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
- Wong, Franco M.H., and Feng Li, 2005, Employee Stock Options and Equity Valuation, Journal of Accounting Research.
- Li, Feng, Jun QJ Qian, Haofei Wang, and Julie Zhu, 2020, Stock Pledged Loans, Capital Markets, and Firm Performance: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
- Bian, Shibo, Feng Li, and Zhipeng Yan, 2020, Do Small Investors Matter?.
- Chen, Huafeng, Jason V. Chen, Feng Li, and Pengfei Li, 2020, Another Look at Operating Leverage and Stock Returns.
- Kothari, S.P., Feng Li, and Xu Li, 2020, Monitoring Role of the Press – Evidence from Press Coverage of Chinese Firms Listed in the U.S..
- Chen, Huafeng, Jason V. Chen, and Feng Li, 2020, The number of estimates in footnotes and accruals.